Shampooings et soins

A bottle of Coiffissimo No Yellow Shampoo with various fruits, nuts, and oils.

Shampooing Platine violet No Yellow - Neutralise, hydrate et apporte de la brillance - 1 litre

À partir de 18,90€ht

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Shampoo bottle with pomegranate and product textures, promoting up to 30% off on shampoos and masks.

Shampooing post color pH acide - Hydratant, referme les écailles - 1 litre


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Bottle of Coiffissimo neutral shampoo with wheat and liquid drops.

Shampooing Neutral - Hydratant, nourrissant et démêlant - 1 litre


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Hair mask container surrounded by various ingredients including powder, oil, cream, and macadamia nuts.

Masque Neutral - Nourrissant et démêlant - 500ml


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Bottle of shampoo with plant ingredients on a white background.

Shampooing cheveux colorés - Apport de brillance - 1 litre


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Hair mask container with pomegranate, cream, and oil ingredients displayed.

Masque Cheveux Colorés - Adoucit, apport de brillance - 500ml


Shampoo bottle with ingredients displayed, labeled 'Shampooing Nutrition' for dry and damaged hair.

Shampooing nutrition - Nourrissant et nettoyant - 1 litre


Hair mask container with blueberries, cream, and oil-like substance.

Masque Nutrition - Réhydrate et nourrit le cheveu - 500ml


Black and clear plastic pump dispenser on a white background.

Pompe noire pour shampooing 1 litre

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